It's not everyday that you...

Have the chance to talk to a real geiko (geisha). This beautiful geiko came to our school to talk about miyako odori (spring dance, performed by maikos and geikos once a year) and a little about life as a geiko. She was so very tiny and beautiful, everybody went all ohhh when she walked in in her beautiful kimono. We had the chance to ask questions and it was very interesting to see one this up close and personal. Even though geikos are a national symbol in Japan and Kyoto is famous for its hanamachis ("geiko villages" means literally flower village) it's not a big chance that you see these beautiful women because they're a part of Japan's elite! It was really wonderful to be able to hear what she thought about life as a geiko and I'm happy that I got this opportunity!

Postat av: Sara

Coooolt! Men vi fick i alla fall se fejkpojkgeishor:)

2012-04-19 @ 16:11:11
Postat av: Modern

Vilken annorlunda grej. Men som Sara sa, vi såg i alla fall om inte äkta, men söta fejkade.

2012-04-19 @ 18:02:45
Postat av: Daniele

Coolt. Är dem ovanliga dessa geishor?

2012-04-19 @ 22:55:16
Postat av: Tokyo - Love

Vilken grej! Verkligen tjusig.

2012-04-23 @ 21:13:54

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