I'm still alive
Hi there, I know I haven't blogged in a few days but I haven't had the time! I'm sorry.. I've been devastated to hear about my cat dying (he got run over by a car outside our house.. it's so horrible) so I have been a little bit down the times I have had the time to think about anything but apartments and furnitures. The days here are stressy and the jetlag and the heat have made my stomach a bit worried so I feel a bit eh but I'm trying to enjoy Kyoto as much as I can! I will give a recap of the trip here later, I'm sitting at a manga café with internet access right now so I don't have unlimited time sadly.. I will pop in some pics and I hope everyone at home are doing fine, I miss you all!

This would be the view from our apartment's balcony to the left.. It's very pretty with the mountains all around here in Kyoto.

This is the river that runs through Kyoto and it's very close to our house. Just across the street and down a stair and you're on the river walk which is very beautiful!
These are the futons in me and Johanna's tatami room, if you pull the sliding doors to the side you're on the balcony! My futon is the blue one :D We went to IKEA today and I was glad to see that they had marabou there! But for some reason only with daim flavour.. Oh well, that one's tasty as well XD Being separated from my parents is definitely not all sunshine and flowers, I miss them so much I tear up when I think about them but I know this is when my independent life starts and I should try to move on as fast as possible but I don't want to! Mom, dad.. Jag älskar er jättemycket!
The start of a new chapter
I'm sorry I haven't written much these last few days, I've been too busy being with my friends and family. I think I've cried several litres of tears, I will miss my life in Sweden quite a lot.. Especially my family, my mom and dad.. It's gonna be hard to leave them today on the airport. I don't know when my next update will be since we wont have internet in our flat in th beginning.. But I hope it'll come to us quickly! So this is goodbye for a little while, see you in Japan!
I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything feels right

Världens underbaraste mamma köpte nya höstskor till mig, det blev dessa fina från ROOTS. Jag är fullkomligt kär i kängor med brunt läder och de här är ju helt perfekta till mig! De ä fodrade så jag kommer kunna använda dem under den kanske inte så brutala vintern i Japan. Allt eftersom dagaran kryper närmare så blir jag mer och mer hemmakär.. Men det är ju en känsla som måste komma fram, men jag känner ändå en lätt touch av ångest när jag inser att jag ska skiljas från mina fina föräldrar och syskon och vänner under mer eller mindre ett år.. Buhu. Men man måste vara stark och inse att det kommer kännas så nu men sedan kommer det vara superspännande och roligt så man inte hinner längta hem så mycket. Jag kan ju använda mig av skype trots allt!
Yes, I only write about food these days
So what do I do these last days of being at home? I EAT. And cook. Which is very NICE haha.. I think I'm getting a hang of cooking now so I will definitely rule the kitchen in Japan with an iron fist ahaahha 8D I cooked a delicious meal for my hardworking mother yesterday, rare roast beef with french potato gratin and home-made mushroom sauce.
I had prepared it all nicely for mom, I'm so proud of myself for managing to do good and tender meat!
I can assure you it was as delicious as it looks like!
This is the view from our kitchen window.. I'm really gonna miss this idyllic Swedish garden when I live in a apartment and not in a big red house.. I've never lived in a apartment before, how will it go!?
Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless
This weekend my older sister, Sara is visiting because she doesn't want to be alone in the apartment she shares with her boyfriend (who's on vacation in Italy with his colleagues) so she decided to spend some time with me before I flee the country. Or well, move to Japan 8D When she hasn't been studying (she's on her second term at the university in Umeå studying to become a speech therapist) we've been having a lot of fun.. Yesterday we made a delicious home-made pizza and we took a long nice walk in the crisp autumn air. Today she made me American pancakes and helped me sort out the clothes I'm bringing to Japan.. This whole weight limit thing is making it quite hard to pack.. I have no idea if I will be able to fit everything, it's gonna be tiiiiiight.
The home-made pizza in bad light, I can assure you it was delicious!
The American pancakes with the nice fruit she cut up for us
And finally my sweet sister!
KANELBULLAR (aka cinnamon buns)
Me and my mom baked cinnamon buns today, also known as the best pastry in the world.. I want to turn the smell of freshly baked cinnamon buns into a perfume, seriously it smells soo good! I enjoyed quite a few of these lovely fellas with a glass of cold milk, as it should be. I've also turned my passport over to the Japanese embassy in Sweden, which means I've applied for my visa.. It should be sent back to me next week and that means I'm all flippin' set for the move! Which happens in exactly one week and three days. Since I had to go to the Japanese embassy to fix the visa I had to fly down to Stockholm over the day with Dena&Johanna, it was fun but the shoes I wore were like half an inch too small for me so my toes hurt so bad I couldn't think about anything else..

Step one in the baking process (after you've given the dough a go around with the baking roller) is to put butter all over this nice square dough and then put sugar and cinnamon there..

Then you roll the square dough into a looong roll and you cut the roll into like 2-4 cm long pieces which you then put like this.. After that you brush them with egg and put decorative sugar on top and put them in the oven..

Taadaaa! After around 8 minutes in the oven they come out looking like this and smelling delicious! Mm.. I think I have to go downstairs and grab one now..
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance
Hi there again. 2 weeks left until I move to Japan and what have I done since I got broke? I joined Frida&Frida for a friday night out.. We had fun.. Lotsa fun 8D
We started out all proper with wine and a three course meal cooked by the lady in lace, Frida
Then we put on some lovely makeup and then it all got very party and we danced around the living room, scaring Frida's dog with our crazy moves haha 8D And as usual when there's a camera around I present this face..
Charming huh? Oh yes this is my photo face.
All in all it was a great evening despite the fact that the places open for 18-19 year olds are packed with people born 1993. And that means you don't know who they are and that takes away all the fun parts! Oh well.. I've watched kung fu panda for the first time as well.. and cars! I liked kung fu panda more.. It was SO DAMN HILARIOUS. Jack Black makes one helluva nice panda ahaha.
No damn money.
Today I went to the bank and got poor. I paid the school semester fee at 396,000 JPY. That hurt. I am now a poor little poor girl.. Oh well soon I'll get the money from the national board of student aid and I wont be as sad when I look at my savings. I've shopped some things I need for Japan.. Like tampons. I now have a carton with 56 tampons in it.. Economy pack FTW!
“Listening to parents' advice is sort of like watching commercials. You know what's coming, you've heard it all before, it's a big bore, but you listen anyway”
I just came home from a very nice weekend in Stockholm with my parents and my older sister. Me, my mother and my sister ran a sort of race called "Girlsmile" (when I say mile I mean 10km, not the other rubbish XD) which is a race that's for ladies, and ladies only. This year a bit over 30 000 girls took part in the race and I had the privilege to be one of them, I had lots of fun and surprised myself with running 8 out of 10 km (surprising considering I've only run 2,5 km before) in a (for me) impressive speed. We had the time to do other things too, we took the chance to visit the Thiel gallery that has quite a collection of both Munch paintings and Zorn paintings, we went to the movies to see "midnight in paris" (quite a lovely movie, I adored it but I am a big fan of 20's Paris) and enjoyed many good meals.

Here we have the Thiel gallery, wonderful building that used to be the residence of businessman Ernest Thiel. The many valuable paintings inside are parts of his vast art collection.

The grande couch at the Thiel gallery.. It wasn't even comfortable to sit in 8D

The garden at the gallery was wonderful, when running the race we ran past here so the surrounding nature of the track we ran was gorgeous. We ran around a peninsula called "djurgården" which is a district of Stockholm, it was very beautiful out there and I asked myself why I hadn't spent any time there before!
We also visted Rosendal garden café which is a beutiful café out at djurgården where you can eat some seriously delicious food and sweets. The surroundings are beautiful and they grow their own crops and flowers.. I loved it.

One night we stayed in the Old Town and you just gotta love the atmosphere there. Let's just say I have, for the moment, fallen in love with Stockholm. The architecture and the museums.. Not the people that reside there haha ;)
Happy Birthday, sis
So my sister turned 23 today! Can you imagine how time flies? I'll let this picture represent that even if we both leave home and pursue our dreams we'll always be sisters. We may not have always seen eye to eye and bickered a lot over the years and had our fights but you'll always be my sister and I love you <3