No damn money.
Today I went to the bank and got poor. I paid the school semester fee at 396,000 JPY. That hurt. I am now a poor little poor girl.. Oh well soon I'll get the money from the national board of student aid and I wont be as sad when I look at my savings. I've shopped some things I need for Japan.. Like tampons. I now have a carton with 56 tampons in it.. Economy pack FTW!
Postat av: Tokyo - Love
Oj ja, det tar emot att betala sådana saker i en klumpsumma..
Sv: Ja, underbart! Tackar så mycket, vad glad jag blir.. foto är ett av mina stora intressen, älskar det!
Postat av: grace
hi idk how this works but whatever, trying it out.
dude, national board of student aid sdlkfjsl why is sweden so legit omg
/broke bros fist bump