Not letting anything stop my dream

People always try to rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.

I don't want to hear all the negative stuff about moving to Japan, all the money I loan etc. Can't people just accept that I have a dream, I intend to pursue it and all the little setbacks I have considered and decided to not let it stop my dream. I don't care about the earthquake risque, I'm going there because it makes me feel alive.

Why should you be afraid of the things you want the most?

It will cost me a lot of money, it will be quite hard at times.. But it will also be the adventure of my life. I will be happy.
Today it's my birthday and this is the dress I'm wearing for the day! Got it from indiska and I loove it!

Postat av: Fanny

Förstår presis hur det känns, men för mig ör det mer " men tänk om du inte får jobb, är det så smart att flytta in med någon det första man gör innan man flyttar hemifrån" yadayadayada! Ja men dah, de löser sig alltid och jag ska ha kul!

2011-07-16 @ 22:13:18

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