One step closer

Yesterday I got some really great news, turned out that the national board of student aid was way faster with evaluating my application than I thought they would be (well in my defence it said 3-4 weeks on their webpage and it took them 2 days) and I got a mail saying that they had accepted my application!! Which means I get my loans and well sort of like a scholarship that every student gets from the goverment. So this means one problem is out of my way now! Only the visa left and then I'm good to freakin' go! We'll be purchasing our plane tickets next week too! Found some real cheap ones from Air China so.. Yeah! Things are moving forward!

Trust me I look happier than this but posy pics are not as fun as tardy ones! XD

Tarding it up

God I'm so frickin' SORE! Went horseback riding (for the first time in like 2 years! I used to do it quite a lot but somehow quit with it and I got the lust back just noe XD) yesterday for an hour and a half. It was tons of fun but today I'm freakin' BEAT! It feels like I've been driven through a mangle.. But I definitely enjoyed it, the horse I had the honor to ride was so nice and wonderful. Her gallop was so smooth and comfortable!

Found a funny uhh.. thing on my laptops webcam program XD

Looking mighty fine as usual.. This is what I do when I'm alone ;)

I am in love with my new bag though! My pink laptop baby fits all smoothly in it too!

I'm back with a picspam... again

Soo yeah what happened since I last saw you? I hanged out with Frida&Frida yet again (I think we're making up for lost time haha) and we went to Frida P's cabin and almost got blown away by the wind. Damn it was windy out by the sea! Frida A then spent the night at my place and we did all kinds of fun stuff.. I've really missed hanging with that girl! I wont explain all the things we've done, here comes a picspam!

On this fine day (PAY DAY WEEHOO) I went into town and got a full body massage, face mask, face massage and brow-fixing at the beauty salon Nefertiti.. It was soo nice but I was very sticky and greasy afterwards from all the oils haha.. Johanna picked me up and we spent some nice hours together eating delicious food (as usual), fangirling over the Gazette (as usual) and had some retarded fun (as usual). Talked about Japan too (only 2 months left now O.O)

 We acted like the silly muffins we are haha..

Practiced some Japanese standard poses...

Enjoyed camwhoring far too much..

Did the sexiest photo face ever XD

Somehow my lips always manage to look like big fat.. worms XD

There was a raging thunderstorm so I read to Frida from the third Harry Potter book

Picspamming yoh asses

Soo yeah I hung out with my childhood friends Frida&Frida again yesterday, we had tons of fun and.. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves haha

 They were so nice and took me out on a picnic as a birthday gift!

 I'm feeling the cookie, Frida's not ;)

 We went swimming in the river that runs through my hometown

 We went all Pocahontas and climbed on rocks in the river

I realized I really missed hanging out with these 2 ladies! We always have so much fun and when we've been in high school (we went to different ones) we haven't had the time to hang out as much as we used to! I'm so happy they're coming to visit me in Japan, a whole year without them would be disastrous!

Requiem et reminiscence II

I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU GUYS ABOUT MY AWESOME BIRTHDAY GIFT FROM JOHANNA. Yeah I got a Gackt live dvd that I've always wanted... It's so good *w*

 Does this man look like a human being? No. I know he doesn't. This is no other than Gackt, the man I'm seeing on stage in 3 weeks! It's so crazy I can't even wrap my head around that fact... I'm gonna see the sexy robot!

"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once"

Life is good for me at the moment, despite being slightly sick and having just taken my vaccination shots for Japan and my arms hurt. I spent some time with my beloved Johanna and as usual there were a lot of laughing and I just felt soooo happy that this is the girl I'm moving to the other side of the world with! We've also been informed that our FAVORITE band is going on tour this fall so if everything falls into place we'll be able to see them in like 3-4 months! That's just CRAYCRAY!

 This is how happy I am right now, everthing is simply perfect

Äntligen semester!

Nu har jag ÄNTLIGEN fått min efterlängtade semester efter fyra hårda (och rutintråkiga) veckor på ICA Sävar! Är visserligen bara ledig i 2 veckor innan jag börjar jobba på kyrkogården igen men det är 2 veckor som känns underbara! Har planerat i stort sett ingenting men hoppas att jag kan fylla dem med roliga saker..


 Såg även sista Harry Potter filmen igår, så fantastiskt avslut! Bästa filmen av alla 8, jag grät så jag riktigt skakade i biostolen (ville ju i alla fall försöka att vara diskret) och jag måste säga att Alan Rickman är en helt fantastisk skådespelare! Helt otroligt så bra han gestaltade Snapes inre stridigheter och smärta. Sista scenen kändes dock mer som ett skämt och kunde ha gjorts bättre men det tar inte bort något från den i övrigt storslagna
sista filmen.. Någon som vill följa med och se den med mig igen? Jag är helt förälskad!

3 days to go..

In 3 days (including today) I get my vacation for the summer! I'm so excited.. I'm tired of working at the supermarket at this moment...

This is a pic from my birthday but I'm nibbling on a piece of this taasty strawberry cake right now so I thought it was appropriate haha

And this is the little lady that totally charmed me yesterday.. Oh she's so cute!

And I also got my birthday present from my friend in the US and I loved it! I got a picture book with my favorite band (the Gazette) from my favorite live (repeated countless errors) and it had a poster in it and I adore it! I also
got a really pretty card and a nice smelling shower gel.. Thank you so much!

I'm in love!

Var och hälsade på några vänner till familjen ikväll, deras äldsta dotter var hemma med man och barn och mina byxor blev avcharmade av en liten sötnos som dregglar mycket, tycker om att jollra, suger på mitt hår och är go och len! Nämligen äldsta dotterns 3 månaders gamla baby! Gick mest omkring med henne i armarna och gosade, maken till snäll bäbis har jag aldrig skådat! Det blev aldrig det här awkward moment när man håller i barnet och det börjar storböla och man skrattar lite nervöst och säger"oj saknar mamsingen" men i hemlighet tänker FML ALLA BARN HATAR MIG. Nä hon kollade på mig, jollrade förnöjt, log och dregglade. She had me at the drooling. Även när hon grabbade tag i mitt hår, började suga på det så det riktigt smackade så log jag bara åtna och tänkte "ohh gossetussen så söt hon är" och jag AVSKYR klet och kladd och dreggel. Sedan att hon somnade med huvudet på min axel är ju bara ett megaplus. ÅHH BÄBIS SÖÖÖT.

Kanske kommer hem med en liten japan unge nästa år höhöh..

Not letting anything stop my dream

People always try to rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.

I don't want to hear all the negative stuff about moving to Japan, all the money I loan etc. Can't people just accept that I have a dream, I intend to pursue it and all the little setbacks I have considered and decided to not let it stop my dream. I don't care about the earthquake risque, I'm going there because it makes me feel alive.

Why should you be afraid of the things you want the most?

It will cost me a lot of money, it will be quite hard at times.. But it will also be the adventure of my life. I will be happy.
Today it's my birthday and this is the dress I'm wearing for the day! Got it from indiska and I loove it!


If you know me you know I'm a complete and utter beauty geek. I loove everything that has got to do with beauty and I caught myself starting to plan what I'll bring on the 18h plane ride to Japan.. I wanna make sure I can snore and drool on the plane and not look all messed up when I land in Japan hehehe..

I also turn 19 tomorrow! Yay! I'll be at home (not working, yay!) eating good food, chilling etc. Nothing special.. not like last year when we went to Elite Hotel Knaust in Sundsvall!

The family (without my father who's taking the pic) on my birthday last year, in the foyer of the hotel


I am so sick and tired of working right now.. I keep repeating in my head "doing it for Japan.. Doing it for Japan" because frankly nobody can actually like working as cashier at a supermarket 6 days a week. So glad that I get my small vacation in a week!

Today I went to the lake with my childhood friends Frida&Frida (oh yeah.. it's annoying that their names are the same haha) it was so much fun! We went swimming in the lake (it was warm after awhile) sunbathed and chitchatted about everything and nothing. One of the Frida's managed to nick her dad's precious ford too trying to park the car, I hope he hasn't noticed it haha.

Japan-wise I'm just squealing in my head constantly and I keep making lists over things I need to buy, me and Johanna also realized that the sum of our visit to the drugstore to stock up for Japan will be quite.. big. Also I turn 19 on monday! Yay!

"Alltså.. vi flyttar till Japan om 2 och en halv månad.."

Rubriken till detta inlägg måste ha sagts hundra gånger under de senaste dagarna som jag spenderat med the one and only Johanna Lundgren (aka my partner in crime) då vi pratat om Japan, Japan, Japan, ÅHH KAIII, Japan, Japan, Japan.. Men det är faktiskt nära nu. Och ja. Jag kommer säga "det är nära nu" jättemånga gånger!

En sak jag längtar äckligt mycket till är att få ändra min bostadsort på facebook till Kyoto, Japan.. Liksom bara vara lite IN YOUR FACE JAG BOR I JAPAN. Åh facebook...

Passade på att ta fina bilder i solen också..

Åh herregud..

Gårdagens avsked av Janikke var minst sagt.. eh intressant! Men herregud vad alla flyger sin kos! Alla mina gamla klasskompisar ska typ åka utomlands nu i höst, det känns konstigt som fasen..Speciellt att jag är en utav dem som åker allra längst bort. Oerhört konstigt..

If you can't beat 'em... Join 'em

Okej jag har skaffat en blogg.. Jag som alltid fnyst åt sådana där löjliga saker.. Men nu var det dags! Jag tar ju mitt pick och pack och flyttar till andra sidan jorden om 2 och en halv månad och jag har lovat att uppdatera min blogg flitigt så att folk får se vad jag gör där i Japan! Eftersom sakerna att göra innan växer som på hög tänkte jag att jag kan ju lika gärna skapa bloggen nu så att folk får se lite förberedelser också. Hoppas att jag kommer ihåg att uppdatera den här..

Med de här fina donnorna flyr jag landet snart!

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