What, did you think I wouldn't shop?

So the lack of pictures of everything I've bought here in Japan is mainly the lack of internet's fault and the fact that I'm too damn lazy to take pictures of things I've bought. But anyways, here is some random stuff I've decided to show you guys XD

My first pair of earrings, bought in Osaka! (I apologize for shitty pics too)

My second pair of earrings, reminds me of my sister!

Alright I know it's a lot of earrings but they really have a lot of cute earrings here! These I bought this weekend

Here at Japan's the body shop they have peach body lotion! It smells heavenly.. This I bought today and I frickin' love it.. I just creamed up my whole body with this, I feel like a big 'ol creamy peach!

We've also Christmasified our apartment now! We bought cheap ass glitter and taped it up in our kitchen, believe it or not it looks very cozy and it has gotten our pretty boring kitchen a little bit more lively haha. This weekend we're putting up our Christmas tree and we'll be decorating it with things we bought at the Swedish store Indiska january this year. Yeah before we even had a visa we bought Christmas decorations. Don't judge us ;)

Postat av: Jenny-Jane

Mysigt! Jag och Jessica har också pyntat i lägenheten som vi bor i (bor i Malin W´s lägenhet medan hon är i Oslo). Och igår bakade vi veganlussebullar, härligt med julstämning!

2011-12-05 @ 14:48:45
Postat av: Syster Sara

Åh så himla fina örhängen!!De där röda som hängde vill jag ha, kan inte du skicka dem till mig ;) Kram på dig söta, jag saknar dig!!

2011-12-05 @ 22:23:06
Postat av: Ingela

Tusentusen tack för det fina julkortet du skickat till oss blev så glada!! Ser att du verkligen har det bra därborta.Sköt om dig och många kramar från Ingela & Leif

2011-12-09 @ 17:23:39

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