Christmas spirit and birthdays
In the morning we had put out Johanna's presents on the table alongside her birthday card. We made breakfast, lit some candles and had ourselves a cosy start on the day. I had bought Johanna a piece of strawberry shortcake that we munched on and after getting ourselves extra pretty we hurried to school and waited eagerly for it to be over. After school we headed down to Johanna's favorite city: Osaka! We started the night with a delicious dinner before heading off to the ferris wheel that is on top of a big shopping centre called HEP5! We've rode that ferris wheel before but now we did it at night, it was very fun even though we managed to embarrass ourselves with rocking out so hard in the ferris wheel the people in the carts next to us saw us and laughed.. But oh well, it was fun! The picture above is showing Dena in the heat of the moment at our next stop: karaoke! We had some serious fun for 2 hours belting out our favortie songs at the top of our lungs.
Now I'm gonna take this in Swedish since the English speaking persons reading my blog already know everything about purikura! Purikura är då japanska fotobås där man tar bilder med sina vänner där kameran är extra förlåtande. Ögonen blir större, hyn blir finare och håret lite snyggare. Sedan "pyntar" man dessa bilder med text, glitter, hjärtan och annat sockersött. Det är faktiskt riktigt roligt och som ni ser ovanför kan bilderna bli väldigt roliga.
Here we have our Christmas tree standing on top of our refridgerator! Today we decorated our Christmas tree and I have to say it turned out pretty nice! Even though the tree was so tiny the decorations hardly fit we do get a little bit of a Christmas spirit when looking at it.. When I get my package from Sweden I think the Christmas spirit will just come washing over me!
I've had my first skype session with mom, dad and my sister aswell! It was so nice to see them and hear their voices, I'm very lucky that I have skype to talk with them, internet really is wonderful to have..
hej goding!Det var kul att prata med dig igår, lycka till på proven! Kram och puss:)
Hej Sofia och tack för det fina julkortet!
Roligt att föja dig och se hur du har det i Japan. Här i klutmark har just den första snön landat och vi håller på att fixa inför julen. Vi ska fira hemma i klutmark med morfar och moster Eva och sen kommer hela släkten på Edströms sida hem till nyår. Lycka till med proven nu och ha en god jul och ett gott nytt år!!:D önskar Åhdens