Testing, testing

So I thought I'd try a videoblog and see how it went.. I'm rambling on for quite some time and haha my glasses are a bit crooked but yeah, there you have it!

Hey kitty kitty

Here I present to you my pride and joy, our little kittycat Peppe! Right now he's sleeping on my couch and he's just so cute! I will surely miss him when I move to Japan.. He's such an adorable little kitty. This weekend I've had my aunt, uncle and one of my cousins over and it was real nice! We shopped on saturday (I bought some basic things at H&M for my move to Japan, then cracked under the pressure and bought a rouge brush from make up store that I sorta needed) and ate a reaaal nice dinner at home, my mom's officially the best cook ever, and me and my cousin Agnes watched "titanic" one of my old faves!

This is the lemon merengue pie I baked for the dinner on saturday, it turned out really good and it was damn delicious! I thought I'd mess it up because I always manage to do it... but I was positively surprised!

Cowboys, aliens and yummy men

Cowboys and aliens was awesome.. Tonight I hope I'll dream about Daniel Craig with no clothes on... Mmmhmmmm that's one hot man.. Before going to the movies I enjoyed a good burger and the lovely company of Dena, that girl is so awesome wahah ^-^

Ka-ching, cash in

it's all about that money

Got my paycheck today and let's just say it was twice as big as I thought it'd be. Which is awesome since Imma need that money soon. Tomorrow it's exactly ONE MONTH left until the big move, time is moving with the speed of light..

“Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

This Saturday I was invited to the lovely Jenny's house in the middle of nowhere for a dinner party! Since she had a dresscode we all had put our best foot foorward, the guys wore suits and the gals wore pretty dresses. We sat outside where Jenny had put lights in the trees and lit candles and everything, very pretty. The food was superb and the drinks were even better! I had a very fun night with Jenny and her friends! Yesterday I worked (;_;) and hung out with Dena (which was awesome)! We looked at Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios in Osaka and it looked so awesomeeeee! We're definitely going there! I love theme parks and the funny thing was, these parks are HUGE (I'm not kidding you, they're ENORMOUS) and it costs about as much as going to the theme park in Stockholm called Gröna Lund..


Places we're visiting in JPN. Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa, Hiroshima, Hokkaido.

Me and Johanna have booked our flight tickets to Stockholm so now all we need is that VISA and we're good to go. The only thing that's worrying me is the fact that the stock market is crashing like crazy and this just has to happen JUST when I need my money that are invested in stocks. I've finished working for the summer, had Johanna over, realized that living with Johanna will be amazing, realized in 5 weeks and 2 days I move to the other side of the world, said goodbye to my brother for over a year (I'm moving to Japan, he's just moved to Gothenburg). I'm starting to sense I've grown up, the growing pains are almost gone.


So yeah I went into town today.. I was just gonna head by the body shop but somehow I ended up exercising my debit card a bit more.. I met up with my good friend Frida and checked out her and her moms new apartment, it was very fresh! Loved it! Then we went and ate Chinese food for lunch, it was delish! Then she had to work and I walked into town to buy facial toner but I ended up bringing home a lot more...

This poncho thingy from Gina Tricot (here worn with a belt from my own closet) and this hat from Kappahl I took home with me, I just love that poncho! It's so cosy and I'll looove wearing it during fall in Japan! When buying the fab hat I met with my new friend/fellow Gack-worshipper, My! We're from the same town, she's a year older than me, and we didn't know we both loved Japan and Gackt! So weird! She's awesome, I think we'll become good friends haha!

Here's a fab pic of me with another purchase, my eye mask from the body shop! It's soooo nice! It works wonder for tired eyes, you just pop it in the fridge for about and hour and put it on your eyes and it instantly makes you feel more refreshed and not as tired! Loving it already.. I also bought an eyeliner and shaving cream for my legs but that's boring.. Oh and a black cardigan, just a simple one. Been needing that for awhile!


If there's something I just can't get enough of it's beauty products. I guess it's not a very uncommon thing to be addicted to, it's almost like throwing "I AM ADDICTED TO SHOESHOPPING" out there but I was scrolling through eleven.se (a beauty site) and when I realized I could easily click home products for way over a hundred dollars I thought "wow, I really love my beauty products".. The fact that I asked our contact person for our move to Japan (he's a guy) about Japanese makeup brands is another sign that I maybe should start chilling out with my beauty addiction 8D

I'm back, with stolen pictures

So yeah Stockholm was beyond awesome! I had so much fun with Johanna (<3) we were tardier than ever and just enjoyed being free from work for a few days! Gröna Lund, Gackt, shopping and the good food were so GREAT! There is nothing I can say that I didn't like (apart from being almost strangled by an elbow on the concert and the constant queueing XD) so it was just a taste of what's about to come! Meeting with Koski (the guy that's helping us move to Japan) was very funny aswell.... I ended up asking him about good asian makeup brands.. It was kinda hilarious how like lost he looked.. He ended up asking his Japanese girlfriend that was filming the meeting for an information thingy but I got something good out of it!

Us 2 <3

Going to Stockholm!

Today me and my favorite girl Johanna is heading to Stockholm! We're gonna meet Koski&Dena, go to Gröna Lund (!!) and of course WE'RE GONNA SEE GOD (aka Gackt)
Oh right, I cut off my hair too!

Ticket, check!

Today I purchased my ticket to Japan.. Monday the 26th of september 15:15 the plane leaves Swedish soil and I wont be going back for a looong time. It will take me 22 hours to reach Osaka, Japan and we go through Frankfurt - Shanghai - Osaka.. It's craycray!

The famous Jenny-Jane

Sooo what happened since I last blogged? I worked.. (horribly interesting, I know) and I've been a big manly man and drove a tractor and all at work 8D But the only thing worth mentioning is Jenny coming over! (or well.. my nickname for her has always been Jenny-Jane, don't ask me why XD) she just came by and was all sweet, brought me flowers from her garden and a WOONDERFUUUL cheesecake with a chocolate bottom (for my Swedish readers, like a kladdkaka botten) and the cream cheese spread was with red currants in it. It was seriously yummy. We talked as usual, catched up on things.. And in general just had a nice evening!

There she is! And the cake.. Jenny is looking awfully bohemic here haha (and yes that thing on her arm is a real tatto 8D) I also overslept today, came half an hour late to work.. I think I need to swop alarm signal again, I'm getting too used to my current one! Oh sometimes it sucks being able to sleep through almost anything...

Back to work

Har nu börjat jobba på Sävar kyrkogård. Kewl? Nja inte så värst. Börjar 7 på morgonen och sliter sedan till klockan 4.. Nog för att de på kyrkogården är verkligen trevliga och duktiga men jag får så ont i ryggen av allt trädgårdsarbete haha. He slit som hårt på gammSofia. Igår lyckades jag även laga min dator genom att göra en keysmash.. Det bevisar att keysmashes faktiskt LÖSER saker! Frustrations tantrums är därmed något oerhört bra 8D Pekdonet på min dator slutade funka så jag kunde inte använda musen, startade om datorn... Funkade inte.. Keysmashade.. Funkade. I love it when things are easy ;) Har även släppt ut lilla kissebarnet på grönbete, vi har införskaffat ett rött litet halsband som vårat telefonnummer står på och jag är oerhört oroad för min lilla skatt Peppe.. TÄNK OM ANDRA KISSEKATTER ÄR DUMMA MED HAN. Nåja, det ska nog gå bra.. Just nu ser jag att han besatt jagar fåglar.. Han är inte en bra jägare..

Ledsen Sofia är arbetare igen..

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